LMCI Internet Software Products
In the 21st century there is no better way to provide information than through the Internet. The LMCI department offers many web-based tools to help students, counselors, teachers, workforce planners, and economic development professionals to access and use information to support education and career decision-making and strategic labor market planning. All these tools can be accessed from the main LMCI webpage at www.lmci.state.tx.us. Here are just a few of these on-line tools:
Texas LMI
(texaslmi.com) This is your one-stop place on the Internet for Texas labor market statistics. This website offers rich time series data and provides inquiry capabilities for labor force, employment and unemployment estimates, industry and occupational projections and occupational wage data. Also available through Texas LMI are quarterly detailed industry employment data, counts of employers by industry and size class distribution and payroll wages for every county in Texas. If it involves employment and labor force information for Texas, you can find it in Texas LMI!
The Texas AutoCoder
(http://autocoder.lmci.state.tx.us) Labor market information is not collected for every occupational title in Texas. So how do you find data on unique job titles? The Texas AutoCoder accepts any job title or job description and provides the best match to a Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) occupational title for which data are available. Data items include wages, projections, an occupational profile and job openings posted on Work In Texas, the TWC electronic labor exchange system. The AutoCoder is a great tool to help employers and HR staff to see how their job titles equate to federal SOC coded occupations.
Texas Career Check
(http://www.texascareercheck.com/) The Texas labor market is very diverse and full of opportunities. Texas Career Check, a multi-media career information system, is designed to help students and jobseekers interactively address education and career exploration questions. The program flows seamlessly between exploring occupations, and exploring college options. It contains detailed O*NET occupational characteristics data and Texas state and regional labor market information. Texas Career Check also includes links to hundreds of external websites including colleges and job posting sites, and profiles of every major college in the United States. There are even options to connect to the Texas Workforce Commission’s Work In Texas labor exchange system to see if there are available jobs in any occupation. Texas Career Check provides the kind of information that allows for more informed educational and career decisions. With Texas Career Check, students don’t just read about a career...THEY EXPERIENCE IT!
Local Employment Dynamics
(https://lehd.ces.census.gov/) This joint project between TWC/LMCI and the Census Bureau has combined several employment databases with Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to create an online tool that shows where people live and work in Texas. Pick a city, county or a smaller custom geography and assess commuting patterns (where people live and where they work), earnings, industry employment profile and much more. View maps or data tables. For non-GIS users, see the Quality Workforce Indicators (QWI) and Industry Focus tools to see the industries with the most hiring, new hire earnings and the age and sex distribution of the employed workforce. (http://lehd.did.census.gov/led)
Texas Reality Check
(www.texasrealitycheck.com/) There is nothing more motivational for students than showing them the relevance between educational attainment and their earnings power. Reality Check is designed to help students understand the connection between lifestyle aspirations and the importance of postsecondary education. It allows students to make lifestyle choices, create a budget, and then to view the occupations and preferred education levels that support those choices. Reality Check is one of the most popular and widely replicated web sites in the LMCI tool box.
State Training Inventory
(https://lmci.state.tx.us/apps/sti/index.asp) The State Training Inventory (STI) is a compilation of Texas education and workforce training providers, their programs, contact information, labor market information, enrollment and graduation data (where available). Education and training providers can be public, private and proprietary institutions. STI is designed to assist customers locate education and workforce training programs, see the connection between education and occupations, and estimate the formal supply of skilled workers.Many of these end-user products rely on data generated through a variety of programs operated in cooperation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The department provides monthly, survey-based estimates of payroll employment, and estimates of unemployed persons and state and local unemployment rates. LMCI conducts extensive employer surveys to generate occupational wage estimates and generate detailed industry employment and payroll wage data. These data form the backbone of an extraordinarily rich data environment from which to understand the Texas labor market.